The main European markets for local shrimp have made it known that sustainability is a priority for them in the sourcing of their product. While there have not been any concerns about the sustainability of the local shrimp fisheries, there remains a need for the industry to demonstrate not only the sustainability of the stock itself but also that the fishery does not damage the environment and is well managed.
To this end, the King’s Lynn based local suppliers (Lynne Shellfish and John Lake Shellfish) have come together and set up a company known as the “Shrimp Producers Organisation Ltd” that will be used to facilitate the process of obtaining the MSC accreditation.
The first step in this process was a pre-assessment report of the brown and pink shrimp, undertaken by MESL (link to report, or to downloads page). Following this, the Shrimp Fishery Advisory Working Group (SFAWG) first met on 17th of February 2012 to discuss the findings of the report and establish a working partnership to support the Producers Organisation and help progress the fisheries towards full assessment.
David Guy was asked to Chair the meetings again for 2022 and cover the secretariat position for the project. Meetings are now being held online in the hope to keep attendance numbers up and any fishermen wishing to join the meetings as a spectator please contact me for the details.
The meetings to date have involved data collation and the establishment of a Management Plan and Code of Conduct.
The Shrimp Fishery Advisory Working Group consists of:
Processors (Neil Lake - NL/Stephen Williamson - SW) (2 places)
Skippers (2 places) although spectators are welcome.
Natural England ( Pip Mountjoy) (1)
Marine Management Organisation (Various) (1)
Eastern Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (Dependant on matters being discussed)
CEFAS (Jo Ford JF) (1)
Seafish (Bill Lart-BL) (1)
Alert 2020 Services limited (David Guy - DG) (1)
The names above are sometimes replaced with a colleague.
Paul Medley is handing over the general data management to David Guy now that the data processing is established.
Meeting information including minutes is held on the downloads page, where you can also get copies of the Management Plans as well as supporting information as it is produced.